As I said on the About page, we live in the West and can get to almost any spot in a day’s drive. There are so many wonderful and beautiful places to visit. We’d like to share that journey with you.
Although we’ll be capturing many of our visits from this point forward, there are so many places that we’ve already visited that we’d like to share with you also. We’ll be adding posts and pictures about those places as well.
We’ve been everywhere from Glacier National Park to Dinosaur National Monument to Tuacahn Center for the Arts to Sea World to Carlsbad Caverns and many points in between.
Our plans including updating this blog with interesting places we’ve been, including videos and a podcast, telling you first hand what we’ve found and enjoyed.
We hope that you’ll enjoy what we share, give us your thoughts and comments as well, and that we can give you some information to make your journeys all around the west that much more fun and rewarding!