A couple of years ago, Sue and I took a trip to Idaho, one of those trips where we really didn’t figure out ahead of time where we were going to go. We just kind of took it as it came and decided on the fly what to go see. We ended up in Twin Falls at one point and decided to head over to Hagerman to see the Hagerman Fossil Beds (much of it closed due to some fires in the area) and the Hagerman Horse.
Along the way, we went through this valley next to the Snake River on Highway 30. Above the river, along the sides of the valley all along that way were waterfalls coming out from the side of the valley face! Lots of them!
It turns out that there is a layer of porous basalt that is exposed at that level of the valley wall and all the rainwater and melted snow and other precipitation filters down through soil and into this layer of basalt and travels many miles, exiting in many places, one of which is in this valley. The view was spectacular and quite unexpected.
The 1000 Springs Scenic Byway actually includes everything from Malad Gorge State Park to Shoshone Falls and Hansen Bridge. There are a number of places where the water that enters this basalt layer exits in a number of ways. Oh, and make sure we see Niagara Falls–absolutely stunning!
If you are in the vicinity of Twin Falls, and heading west, it isn’t too much out of your way to head west on Highway 30 out of Twin Falls and rejoin with I-84 north of Hagerman to see this unique valley.
You can find out more about 1000 Springs Scenic Byway, or see our video: